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It’s going to take all of us to prepare youth with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to pursue their academic careers with gusto. We need everyone in our community to bring their skills and resources together to give our students the best chance possible. Here’s how you can get involved with Advantage Lancaster:
tv production

Teach a Class

Do you have a skill or talent that would make for a great after school program? We’re always looking for creative and cutting-edge courses to offer our students to ensure that they’re well-rounded, active, and infinitely curious. Some of the courses we’ve offered in the past include:

  • Ballroom dance
  • Tennis
  • Computer programming
  • TV Production

Please contact us if you’d like to offer a course. Our staff can help you create a curriculum that meets our students needs.

Contact Us

We’re a nonprofit, so every dollar counts. We need the financial support of our neighbors to keep our program afloat and continue to offer underprivileged students opportunities and exposure to field of study they may have never considered before.

A green brush stroke on a white background.

Consider Donating to our Program

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